The Challenge:
Global Study Link is a global educational consultancy that provides the budding generation of young masterminds an opportunity to spread their wings of education outside the boundaries of our country. As the business grew, it was hard for them to accurately distribute and track leads d...
This extract showcases the challenges faced by Spicebasket and how they utilized various Zoho products to overcome them and achieve seamless efficiency in their daily operations. In this article, we will go deep into the problems Spicebasket encountered, such as lead collection complexities fro...
Resolving the diverse and distinct needs of each business requires more than a single solution. This is where the integration of
multiple products and customization tailored to individual customer requirements becomes crucial in maximizing business efficiency.
To gain a clearer understandi...
Addressing individual and diverse needs in the academic field cannot be solved with a single product. It requires a combination of various products and customization based on the client's requirements. To illustrate this, let's consider a real-life case study of Brototype , the one which tutors comp...